Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Investors & risk issues

And what about people who over invest ignoring all risk?

Greed? ya probably... you heard of a friend making big money on something & you wanted to duplicate that & what best to do like wise...... &  without ample research.

Dont be so naive please.... That so call news you heard, the Insider information???? hmmm.... likely when it comes to you it's really no good any more. That's what happens when one is inexperience. Nothing is for free in this world! Even recommendations by bankers is not to be trusted sometimes as there are those that put their commissions above clients interests. That' s really short term thinking. You do it to a client once, they dont come back anymore.

But sometimes it's not the bankers fault. WE have clients who after a few very positive gains, becomes complancent & took bigger risk & got burnt. So best advice...... take the advice from bankers  but do your own research please!!!! Always remember if something is too good to be true, it probably is.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

What's happening to investors?

People are not investing....sigh.... why are they holding on to cash when inflation is going so high? Is Cash really king? But Dont they realise that their money is getting smaller by the minute?

We were debating this yesterday. The day was long & sort of quiet, so.....
The financial crisis really had driven home the point that banks are not infalliable. It spook private investors so much they are probably keeping cash in biscuit tins now! Cant blame the can we?

There is a mistrust going on. Lately some clients even told me they do not believe we are acting in investor's  best interest  vs the banks best interest. There seem to be a general lack of mistrust in providers such as fund advisors or asset managers like us.

PLus there is also no Loyalty. Investors are just not loyal anymore! Our seniors told us this is probably due to the fact that banks here are too similar plus people like us, do job hop alot thus not being able to forge any lasting relationships with our clients ... oh ya blame it on us!!!!!

I feel investors are just more sceptic towards the markets than before that's all. Who can blame them? They feel that equity markets are working against them instead of for them!