It’s like when you are focusing dealing with someone at the front door, his buddy enters from the back & robs you!
Symantec's findings show that the attacks, are not
new, but have evolved from nuisances causing temporary disturbance to website into one of the cheapest and most effective
ways to rob banks.
Millions of dollars were stolen in the past
year in two-pronged attacks that banks did not notice until customers
complained or investigators later uncovered the breaches, said Samir Kapuria, a
Symantec vice-president who led the research.
While some European & US banks have acknowledged
that the attacks have damaged their websites, Symantec's research shows that
hackers have reached deeper than institutions have been willing to acknowledge.
It is still not clear what losses these banks and their customers have lost in
these attacks.
So my advise, double check your bank statements
every month. Why I said that, my parents admitted to me, they NEVER check their
statements as to them Spore banks will never be wrong! Oh boy, you never know
right? I trust the banks but those hackers are really good!!!!