Thursday, 2 November 2017

Do you have a lousy job and a lousy Boss?

Yesterday I saw Grace a colleague of mine. Was really surprised when she told me she had quit for 5 months already. Really? Wow! Well we don't see each other very often since we were from different branches. Still I'm surprise news like this didn't reach me. It's a small circle.

Anyway She told me the job was making her anxious & unhappy, & it was affecting her home life. One day she just thought "I can't take it anymore" & told her boss. She took a lower-paying job that had no daily character assassination & have never been happier. Money is not everything, her well-being is worth so much more.

That got me thinking, was it really so bad? I've heard rumors about her boss & department. But didn't know it was that bad. I thank my lucky stars. Most of my colleagues are pretty nice. My Boss is already thinking of taking us for a nice Christmas buffet next week. So if you have a nice Boss & colleagues like mine, be thankful !