Sunday, 20 January 2013

Some weird companies that make it!

It seems like you can publicly trade anything these days!  When we think of Public companies, we usually think of  Google,  Coca-Cola,  Microsoft etc…. , but we all know  there are a lot more public companies in the equity market than just the household names.

Here are just some
1.Does your pet have stinky bedding? International Absorbents Inc. (NYSE:IAX) makes animal care absorbent products that reduce odors and last longer than wood shavings. They also have a line of small pet food and are moving into the cat litter business as well. This still may not be enough to get you to buy a guinea pig, but any improvement in the absorbency area should be welcome news.
2.When you are stuck in traffic all kinds of ideas can pass though your head about how to avoid this in the future. The traffic management industry thinks about this all of the time. In fact, that's all Iteris, Inc. (NYSE:ITI) focuses on as they develop applications of technologies that reduce traffic congestion. Speaking on behalf of everyone in a major city: work faster!
3.Kids love Rollerblades, skateboards and just about anything with wheels. So when Heelys, Inc. (Nasdaq:HLYS) put the wheels in the shoes themselves, they really had something. While kids moving through streets, shopping centers and classrooms at faster speeds may not be appealing to some adults, it's likely they are just jealous they didn't have them when they were kids.
4.Have you ever brought home a big balloon for a birthday or holiday? If so, then you may be a customer of CTI Industries (Nasdaq:CTIB). Along with other things, it produces and distributes foil and latex balloons in more than 30 countries. You'll never think of that heart shaped Valentine's day balloon the same way again.
While there are thousands of publicly traded companies, it's mostly the larger, well-known brands that we recognize. As this list shows, there are no restrictions on the types of companies that can go public and list their securities for sale on a stock exchange. Well it could happen to you! If you have a great idea, do something about it!!!

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